Play (1991)
by Tony Kushner
Directed by Eric Tucker
Central Square Theater
Central Square, Cambridge, MA
September 7 – October 8, 2023
A continuation of the production of the now classic play about AIDS, the first part of which was performed last spring at Central Square, with some standout performances.
Angels In America
Play (1623)
by William Shakespeare
Directed by Steven Maler
Commonwealth Shakespeare Company
Boston Common, Boston, MA
July 19 – August 6, 2023
A robust and kinetic version of the Scottish play, and, as well, effectively provides a nice opportunity for some of the more subtle interchanges to come to the fore.
The Lehman Trilogy
Play (2015)
by Stefano Massini
Adapted by Ben Power
Directed by Carey Perloff
Huntington Theatre Company
The Huntington Theatre
Symphony Hall area, Boston
June 13 – July 23, 2023
An excellent production of the play about the rise and fall of Lehman Brothers, the famous investment bank which was started by three brothers in the mid-nineteenth century and took its last plunge in the recession of 2008.
Musical (2023)
by David Reiffel
Directed by Bridget Kathleen O’Leary
Boston New Works Festival 2023
Moonbox Productions
June 22-25, 2023
An act of loving attention and a seeming miracle give rise to a Christian Evangelical frenzy.
Private Lives
Play (1930)
by Noël Coward
Directed by Diego Arciniegas
Gloucester Stage Company
Gloucester, MA
June 2-25, 2023
A somewhat wild version of the classic drawing room comedy about marriage, divorce and the revisiting of lost love.