Film (2016)
Directed by Stephen Frears
Screenplay by Nicholas Martin
With Meryl Streep, Hugh Grant
A hilarious and remarkably touching comedy based in fact, about a society lady who, in the 1940s, thought she could sing though she couldn’t, but made courageous though vain attempts to prove she could.
Film (2016)
Directed by Sean Ellis
Screenplay by Sean Ellis and
Anthony Frewin
Based in fact, a dramatization of the plan, in the early 1940s, by Czech freedom fighters to assassinate Reinhard Heydrich, a high ranking Nazi dubbed The Butcher of Prague.
Dog Paddle
by Reto Finger
Translated by Lily Sykes
Directed by Guy Ben-Aharon
Bridge Repertory Theater
Studio Theater at
Central Square Theater
Central Square, Cambridge, MA
United States Premiere
August 4-20, 2016
A beautifully directed and acted morsel of absurdist drama with a millennial twist.
Love’s Labour’s Lost
Play (1597)
by William Shakespeare
Directed by Steven Maler
Commonwealth Shakespeare Company
Boston Common, Boston
July 20 – August 7, 2016
A terrific and very fun production of Shakespeare’s early comedy, very high on language play and relatively low on plot.
Cuisine & Confessions
Circus, Performance
Creation and staging by
Shana Carroll and
Sebastien Soldevila
Les 7 Doigts de la Main
(The 7 Fingers)
in conjunction with ArtsEmerson
Cutler Majestic Theater
Theater District, Boston
July 12 – August 7, 2016
The small, imaginative, Montreal-based circus is back with some great moments stitched together loosely with a theme based on cooking.