Circus, Performance
Machine de Cirque
Paramount Mainstage
Theater District, Boston
September 21 – October 2, 2016
A terrific, fun, entertaining show of circus acts, some unconventional, with five or so relaxed, hip circus artists and a brilliant musician.
Performance Art
Notes from the Field: Doing Time in Education
Performance, Play (2016)
Created, Written and Performed by Anna Deavere Smith
Directed by Leonard Foglia
American Repertory Theater
Loeb Theater, Harvard University
Harvard Square, Cambridge, MA
August 20 – September 17, 2016
A superbly conceived and delivered, and very moving, inquiry into racism, schools and incarceration.
Cuisine & Confessions
Circus, Performance
Creation and staging by
Shana Carroll and
Sebastien Soldevila
Les 7 Doigts de la Main
(The 7 Fingers)
in conjunction with ArtsEmerson
Cutler Majestic Theater
Theater District, Boston
July 12 – August 7, 2016
The small, imaginative, Montreal-based circus is back with some great moments stitched together loosely with a theme based on cooking.
In The Body Of The World
Play, Performance Piece (2016)
Written and performed by
Eve Ensler
Directed by Diane Paulus
American Repertory Theater
Loeb Theater, Harvard University,
Harvard Square, Cambridge, MA
May 10-29, 2016
A moving and evocative solo performance piece about illness, environmental disaster, human violence, and hope written and performed Eve Ensler, best known as the author of the highly successful and influential play The Vagina Monologues (1996).
Chopin Without Piano
Concert, Performance Art
Performed in Polish with
English subtitles
Presented by Centrala
Directed by Michal Zadara
Featuring the
Boston Conservatory Orchestra
Conducted by Franck Ollu
Paramount Theater Mainstage
Washington Street, Boston
November 11-14, 2015
With Barbara Wysocka
A live-wire virtuoso verbal performance in lieu of piano solo of Chopin’s two piano concertos, with live orchestra backing it up.