Film (2017)
Directed by Jon Shenk and
Bonni Cohen
Featuring Al Gore
A chilling follow-up to An Inconvenient Truth, the 2006 documentary featuring former Vice President Al Gore on the global warming crisis.
An Inconvenient Sequel:
Romeo and Juliet
Play (1597)
by William Shakespeare
Directed by Allegra Libonati
Commonwealth Shakespeare Company
Boston Common, Boston
July 19 – August 6, 2017
A colorful, scintillating, and wonderfully acted account of the classic tale of a searingly unexpected passion and its attendant woes.
Waiting for Waiting for Godot
Play (2013)
by Dave Hanson
Directed by Paula Plum
Hub Theatre Company of Boston
Club Cafe
209 Columubus Avenue, Boston
July 14-29, 2017
A cute and funny take-off on Beckett’s classic existentialist drama which features two understudies waiting backstage to perform in the Beckett play.
Bank Job
by John Kolvenbach
A New England Premiere
Directed by Robert Walsh
Gloucester Stage Company
Gloucester, MA
May 19 – June 10, 2017
An intricate farce involving a misconceived bank heist and foils and expectations by children and other relations.
A Midsummer Night’s Dream
Play (1595)
by William Shakespeare
Directed by Patrick Swanson
Actors’ Shakespeare Project
Multicultural Arts Center
Cambridge, MA
May 10 – June 4, 2017
A delightfully inventive and entertaining take on the popular Shakespearean comedy.