Prints by Annie Silverman
In tribute to Boston area musician Evan Harlan (1953- 2014)
Long-time Somerville-based printmaker Annie Silverman’s tribute to her late accordion teacher, Evan Harlan, a noted local musician.
Sontag: Reborn
Play, Performance Piece with Film
By The Builders Association
Directed by Marianne Weems
Adapted and Performed by
Moe Angelos
Paramount Theatre, Boston, MA
May 6 – 18, 2014
An exquisitely designed piece based on Susan Sontag’s journals.
Sumeida’s Song
Opera (2014)
by Mohammed Fairouz
Boston Opera Collaborative
Somerville Theater
Davis Square, Somerville, MA
May 2-6, 2014
A concise, contemporary tale of honor and revenge set in modern Egypt.
As You Like It
Play (1600)
by William Shakespeare
Directed by Robert Walsh
Actors’ Shakespeare Project
Springstep, Medford Square, Medford, MA
April 17 – May 18, 2014
A superbly articulate and energetic production of the delightful Shakespearean comedic romance.
Play (2014)
by Chantal Bilodeau
Directed by
Megan Sandberg-Zakian
Puppet Design: David Fichter
Central Square Theater
Cambridge, MA
April 24 – May 25, 2014
An ecological drama, set among the Inuit in the Canadian Arctic, about the effects of global warming on nature, culture and individual psyches.