Somerville Open Studios
Somerville, MA
May 4-5, 2013
Vivid, wittily conceived, cartoonlike sculptures of heads, hands, birds, faux animals in charming and amusing settings.
Play (1608)
by William Shakespeare
(and George Wilkins?)
Directed by Allyn Burrows
Actors’ Shakespeare Project
The Modern Theatre
at Suffolk University
Boston, MA
April 17 – May 12, 2013
An energetic account of the little performed Shakespearean et al collaboration, the subject of which is a different Pericles than the famous 5th century Athenian one.
Iron Man 3
Film (2013)
Directed by Shane Black
With Robert Downey Jr., Gwyneth Paltrow, Don Cheadle,
Guy Pearce, Rebecca Hall, Ben Kingsley
Another installment in the bionic odyssey, carried forward by computer graphic imagery in megadoses and reasonable portions of seasoned and tasteful acting by a roster of capable thespian chefs.
Kon Tiki
Film (2012)
Directed by Joachim Rønning and Espen Sandberg
Screenplay by Petter Skavlan
A sweepingly epic treatment of the pioneering journey from Peru to the South Seas by Thor Heyerdahl and crew in 1947.
Film (2012)
Written and Directed
by Jeff Nichols
With Matthew McConaughey, Reese Witherspoon, Sam Shepard
A superbly wrought film about a man on the edge encountered by two fourteen year old boys and the various attempts at love, devotion and self-reliance which surface in the wake of their meeting.